After the freedom of information act we should have a easy time finding knowledge, so then why is it so hard to find all the inventions of the peanut by George Washington Carver in a single book? Because you are asking the wrong question, in the wrong place.The Internet is the wrong place.Go to... Knowledge 11/20/2024 89
What can I learn from you? Love :YourselfYourselfYourselfThrice because “people need to understand this.”Don't try to find love... Knowledge 11/19/2024 120
What is the purpose of scientific research? What are scientists trying to achieve through their work? I potter around the lab every day. Feed my pet fish, crayfish and my office cat. Talk to students. I... Knowledge 11/19/2024 76
Is knowledge just empirical qualia that is resistant to Cratylism in your view? If somebody hits you on the head with a baseball bat, you are likely to experience all sorts of qual... Knowledge 11/19/2024 73
Has anyone been thinking that "science" and "religion" are actually the same thing? Nope. Science is based on the scientific method, which uses evidence and experimentation to better u... Knowledge 11/19/2024 88
Why did Socrates claim to know nothing? Does this contradict his teachings of logic, reason, and critical thinking? Reality is stranger than fiction. Even when we rely on logic, reason, and critical thinking, the kno... Knowledge 11/19/2024 67
I am looking for a God to worship, who here is high IQ and will prove it to me by showing miracle of knowledge so I can start worshipping him with my money? Please read Psalms 103 and 104. I suggest meditation on these scriptures. Then, answer the question... Knowledge 11/19/2024 78
Is insight a prerequisite to the truth? Yup. Without insight you cannot see clearly, and the truth is not very obvious until then. We all ha... Knowledge 11/19/2024 71
There are those who will say, "we cannot simply rely on our senses to know the world." Is this actually true or does it just sound nice? Doesn't everything we actually know about the world come from our senses? You could,if you were using the correct position of view. Everything we think we know,is not the wor... Knowledge 11/19/2024 61
Is wisdom the accumulation of knowledge, or is it the ability to let go of what we think we know? Q: “Is wisdom the accumulation of knowledge, or is it the ability to let go of what we think we know... Knowledge 11/19/2024 69
Is evidence necessary to believe something? Can you provide examples of situations where evidence is not needed to believe something? You can believe anything you want to without evidence. It’s called faith. But why would you want to?... Knowledge 11/18/2024 85
According to Proverbs 28:2, when a country is rebellious it has many rulers but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains what? Sometimes by rebellion that the land will commit against the ruler, and they think of removing from... Knowledge 11/18/2024 84
Why does someone need to know anything to be able to pass an IQ test? Well, depends on what. VCI is flawed in the sense it asks for antitheses of words, how many words yo... Knowledge 11/18/2024 59
Is it possible for people to fully comprehend everything around them, or are they simply deceiving themselves by attempting to explain everything with their limited understanding? Big question. What does even ”everything around them” mean? Their closest, physical, everyday surrou... Knowledge 11/18/2024 76
How does the pursuit of knowledge affect our sense of wonder? WONDER IS YOUR SOUL DESIGNS WORKING THROUGH YOUR ACTIONS AND THOUGHTS AND MIND DESIGNS TO ENHANCE YO... Knowledge 11/18/2024 60