What are some important things for husbands to know? There only one thing you need to know. When your wife is right, your life is right.... Knowledge 10/27/2024 69
How can science be correct if theories are always changing? Science doesn’t claim to know ‘truth’ the way religion does. We are slowly shaving away and graduall... Knowledge 10/27/2024 51
What is the meaning behind the statement that everything proven by science is true? It is true until someone proves it is not.... Knowledge 10/27/2024 72
Can university professors who teach chemistry have less knowledge about the subject than their students? In certain instances, in the course of a semester, a savant may intuitively grasp the subject matter... Knowledge 10/27/2024 59
Don't scientists and atheists understand that absolute faith in empiricism as a means of achieving knowledge, and progress, is a form of faith, in some ways akin to Christian faith? If they don't, they certainly should, because it needn't work! Faith was invented by the inventors of gods to distract from the absolute absence of any kind of evi... Knowledge 10/27/2024 48
Do you know me, or do you just think you know me? I don’t know you but how are you today and what are you looking for... Knowledge 10/27/2024 65
What is the one thing that you didn't understand today? I Decided to go to my college library yesterday, rather than picking something Academical I picked u... Knowledge 10/26/2024 64
How do you know a lot about scammers? I personally know a lot about scammers from personal experience. I've been approached by more than 9... Knowledge 10/26/2024 66
Why do we need to learn about life? It’s important learning that we are all humans.So? We are in a same range in a gerarchy, we are’t pr... Knowledge 10/26/2024 64
Is the quote "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" attributed to Plato? ... Knowledge 10/26/2024 66
Why does it seem like our subconscious knows everything? As subconsciousness performs the habitual activities and and be fully aware time to time awakening a... Knowledge 10/25/2024 58
The more I read, the more I acquire. The more certain I am that I know nothing. What should I do? The fool doth thinks he is wise, but the wise knows himself to be a fool.~William Shakespeare[A wise... Knowledge 10/25/2024 78
What does it mean when someone says they are "educated"? What are some things that they know or understand that others may not have access to or care about? If someone says they are educated that means they wish they were educated and are not educated. They... Knowledge 10/25/2024 60