What is the one thing that you didn't understand today?

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I Decided to go to my college library yesterday, rather than picking something Academical I picked up a self Improvement book called “You can Win” by Shiv khera .

When I started reading it I found it's book Card (A card having information about who and when borrowed this book from library) Here it is:

What is the one thing that you didn't understand today?-第1张图片

Everything usual right? The first Borrowing Info dates back to “2008” and Here comes the unusual part , When I went to the book's Second page I found this

What is the one thing that you didn't understand today?-第2张图片

It says the book had Revised Editions between 2002–2011

If this book was Kept in library in 2007 which is the inaugural Year of our Institute then, why would the book have text as New Edition published by Bloomsbury in 2014 , because 2014 would be a future year back then right?

And if the Book was added to library in 2014 , then why would someone Enter the Borrowing date as 25/2/08 after 2014? as you can see it at first place in card.

I just couldn't understand this thing, can you??

If so , please let me know in the comments

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