Why can't theists admit nobody knows if God exists or not? To claim you do god exists know is irrational and a lie. Are you a liar ? Because God has proven himself to us. You don't believe. Why should he prove himself to you? He's Go... Knowledge 11/18/2024 58
Can you explain the key concepts of information, data, knowledge, and information management and how they differ from each other? Even Aristotle would be epistemically-challenged to differentiate such terms!!! The question really... Knowledge 11/18/2024 68
Isn't it pathetic to read on a site that is supposed to promote culture and knowledge in an era of genetic understanding, questions that repeatedly call into question evolution? Yes. Part of the problem is this. We have on this site an extraordinarily prolific Creationist troll... Knowledge 11/17/2024 84
Why do many say that knowing the question is better than knowing the answer? Why do many say that knowing the question is better than knowing the answer? Well, think of questio... Knowledge 11/17/2024 77
I want to know everything. What should be my aim? First of all, you need to be specific on what you want to know. Is it everything about life? Or ever... Knowledge 11/17/2024 81
Why do people insist I avoid discussions I'm "not educated in," when being widely read and unafraid of looking stupid has always been my best way to learn and grow? Don't care about the opinions of people around you Don't care about the actions of people around you... Knowledge 11/16/2024 85
What do you know a lot about? 51 years ol I've been to hell and back more times than I care to remember and I'm here now I know a... Knowledge 11/16/2024 66
Do we ever stop learning about life? Hey,I’d have to say… never ever never. I personally love learning something new either about myself,... Knowledge 11/16/2024 68
How much knowledge is necessary to have a good life? The answer to your question depends upon what you want with your life, if you want to be someone who... Knowledge 11/16/2024 64
What's something you recently learned that shocked you? This is 6.9 feet tall; Trump's son is named Barron Trump.This individual bears the responsibility fo... Knowledge 11/15/2024 79
Did you ever have a student who knew more than you did? Oh, shit yeah.I've taught classes to nontraditional (read “older” learners in writing, literature,... Knowledge 11/15/2024 78
What are some things that you know but don't understand? Latest viral news in Telangana INDIA’S First NAKED Lady AGHORA has evolvedMahila Naga Sadhu Images I... Knowledge 11/15/2024 73
What is the meaning of "he who knows not, and knows that he knows not"? …It’s not Nathan so it’s a mind-numbing problem.Studying Nathan is a good idea because he’s modern t... Knowledge 11/15/2024 75
What makes so many people refuse to accept Nietzsche's phrase, "there are no facts, only opinions"? Perhaps because, if taken literally, it doesn't make sense. If there were no facts only opinions, th... Knowledge 11/15/2024 78