Can someone learn how to write without natural talent? Is there a way to develop a unique writing style? Everyone has to learn how to write, and writers just need to learn it better. I suppose the best thi... Writing 11/04/2024 78
So I'm 15 and write movie scripts, what now? That's an amazing start! At 15, you’re in a fantastic position to build your skills, start getting n... Writing 11/04/2024 66
What do you listen to while you write? In certain moods, I cycle through several recordings of The Messiah: Academy of St Martin in the Fie... Writing 11/04/2024 73
People who were there for the Y2K bug: What was it like living through this? Bonus points if you're a software engineer that was drafted to fix it. Tell me about your experiences! (I'm writing a hypothetical 'What if' book about it) Was part of company’s Y2K SWAT team. Financial services.Helped design part of a test environment, co... Writing 11/04/2024 81
How do you assess students' progress in language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) effectively? What formative and summative assessment tools do you find most useful? Your task is to take any given text input and convert it into this JSON format, paying careful atten... Writing 11/03/2024 75
I've written a few chapters of a novel and believe I've used a third person shifting POV, but some readers tell me I'm head hoping. What is the difference? Basically, how often you’re shifting POV.The more often you shift perspective, the more likely you a... Writing 11/03/2024 82
When did J.R.R. Tolkien begin writing The Lord of the Rings trilogy? What inspired him to write the books? The Lord of the Rings was written over a period of several years in the 1950s. (The books began to c... Writing 11/03/2024 76
How can you determine if your novel is well-written? What are some ways to identify and address any issues with it? This is difficult to say because the author's ideas always differ from those of the reader. I provid... Writing 11/03/2024 76
How has the emergence of AI-assisted writing tools changed the dynamics between literary agents, publishers, and authors since 2020? Every professional writer in the creative fields such as fiction books, movies, theater, radio, poet... Writing 11/03/2024 69
What are some strategies for overcoming writer's block in poetry? How can someone get back into writing after a long break? Get inspired by what fee and what you see and feel about something, some place, or whomever. I promi... Writing 11/03/2024 83
What are some effective ways to conclude a legal essay? Concluding a legal essay requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Here are effective ways to co... Writing 11/03/2024 84
How do you write an article for publication in one of the local newspapers on the need to improve sanitation in your area? First, explain why you are writing. Describe the situation briefly. Then, say what you want done.Tha... Writing 11/03/2024 85
How do I write an ebook? 1. Pick a Topic: Choose a subject with high interest (e.g., finance or self-improvement .2. Gather Q... Writing 11/02/2024 86
What topic research would be good if I want to write about English literature and mental health? I am an English major student with a psychology minor. With an English background and a minor in Psychology, investigations can go deep into the multidimen... Writing 11/02/2024 72
What is a formal way to express that someone has excellent taste in an essay? Here are some formal ways to express that someone has excellent taste in an essay:*Phrases:*1. "Demo... Writing 11/02/2024 84