How does writer start writing after getting an idea for a good story? Are there steps, methods?

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The method I use is:

Get idea

Sit down at my computer.


Some writers add another step:

Get idea

Outline idea

Sit down at computer.


That’s basically it.

If you’ve never written before, it feels overwhelming, because you are thinking “how can I write a whole entire book??!” It feels intimidating.

But honestly, writing a book is like eating an elephant. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you write a book? One word at a time.

I never sit down at my computer to write a book. No way. Too intimidating. I’d be paralyzed and I’d never do anything.

I sit down at my computer to write a sentence. If I successfully write one sentence, that’s it, that’s my goal for the day.

It’s just that when I write one sentence, it’s easy to write another sentence. Then bother, then another after that, and the next thing you know I’ve kicked out a few thousand words.

I put dinner in the microwave two days ago, pressed Start, got an idea for one of the books I’m currently working on, and went to my computer to write it down. I literally only intended to write two sentences, just enough to remind me of the idea when I’d finished dinner.

Next thing you know I’d hammered out 2,257 words in one go without pausing, and my dinner was cold.

But that’s how it works. Don’t tell yourself “today I’m going to work on writing a book.” Tell yourself “today I’m going to write one sentence.” What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?

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