What is a fact that everyone should know?

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What is a fact that everyone should know?-第1张图片

This answer may or may not save your life.

If you are kidnapped, fight back in any way you can. Fight. Kick, scream, thrash, hit, shit your pants. Most kidnappers are not prepared for their victims to fight back and will not move you to another location if you fight like crazy.

If you end up in the kidnappers' car, spread as much DNA as you can. Pull out your hair, let yourself bleed - do whatever you can to leave as much genetic material behind as you can.

If you're on the beach and the tide suddenly stops coming in, or if the tide is much lower than it should be, get out of here. A tsunami is coming and you have little time to get out of there.

Trust your gut. If you're somewhere and suddenly feel like something is wrong, run away. You're probably right - you just need to do a little Google search to find thousands of stories of people whose gut feeling was right.

If you get into a fight to the death and need to punch someone, aim for their throat. If you hit it right, you can crush their windpipe or at least seriously injure your opponent or cut off their air supply.

The Morse code for SOS is 3 short, 3 long, 3 short. If you can only knock, leave longer pauses between the 3 long tones.

If you need to call emergency services and don't know the emergency number for the country you are in, call the number for your home country. Most common emergency numbers, such as 911, will direct you to the number for the country you are currently in.

Cell phones will use any cellular service they can find to dial an emergency number. It doesn't matter if you don't have data. If you dial 911, even private networks can be used to route one.

If you or someone with you has been stabbed/impaled and the knife or whatever has not been removed, leave it in. This will help reduce blood loss.

Once the attacker has removed the knife, you can press a credit card flat against the wound to reduce blood loss.

Green coconut milk is better than the milk from brown coconuts. The brown coconuts contain an oil in their milk that increases dehydration.

Get a survival candle for your car. Some can burn for 36 hours and provide just enough heat to keep you alive.

If you don't have heating and are stranded with someone, lie down together in a blanket, a sleeping bag, anything. Take off your clothes, body heat transfers better.

If someone has ingested antifreeze, give them vodka. This will prevent the liver from being completely shredded until help can be obtained.

If you are being chased by a tiger or mountain lion, never let them out of your sight. Most big cats will not attack until you are no longer in sight of them. This may require walking backwards for hours. But whatever happens, never let them out of your sight.

If someone comes up to you and asks what time it is, never take your eyes off them. Hold your watch in the corner of your eye - or if it's for directions - hold your map up to just below the other person's face. If they really need help, they won't care - but if they try to attack you, it will throw them off track and make them angry; they will try to distract your gaze by saying things like "there's a car behind you". But never take your eyes off them!

If you throw yourself on the ground with all your weight, it is more difficult to carry you away. A limp mass is much more difficult to handle.

If someone kidnaps you, you can also scream, "I don't know this guy!" Scream until it feels like someone stabbed your lungs. Scream until you're completely exhausted. Do n't stop shouting that you don't even know your kidnapper.

I hope you never have to use these tips - but it can be useful to at least know them.

Thanks to

for writing the original answer .

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