Which institute between Henry Harvin and IIM skills is the best for a content writing course?

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As a content writing enthusiast, I eagerly signed up for the course with high hopes. However, my enthusiasm quickly turned into frustration upon discovering the abysmal refund policy. The website boasts about customer satisfaction and ease of use, but when it comes to honoring their refund policy, it’s a different story altogether.

Firstly, the terms are buried deep within the website, making them difficult to find. This lack of transparency already sets a bad tone. Secondly, the policy itself is incredibly restrictive. Despite promises of a “money-back guarantee,” the reality is far from reassuring. The window for requesting a refund is unreasonably short, leaving little time for customers to evaluate the course and make an informed decision.

To add insult to injury, the process for requesting a refund is cumbersome and bureaucratic. Instead of a straightforward procedure, customers are subjected to endless emails and verification steps, making it feel like a deliberate attempt to discourage refunds rather than uphold customer satisfaction.

In my case, I found the course content to be outdated and not at all aligned with the promises made in the marketing material. When I reached out to customer service regarding a refund, I was met with delays, excuses, and ultimately a flat-out denial based on obscure clauses hidden in the fine print.

Overall, my experience with the refund policy has left me disillusioned and regretful of ever signing up for this course. It’s clear that the company prioritizes profit over customer satisfaction, which is disappointing for someone who values transparency and fair business practices. I would strongly caution anyone considering this course to think twice and carefully review the refund policy before committing, unless you’re willing to risk your money on a subpar experience with no recourse.

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