How to improve my trading skill?

admin 17 0

I’ll answer based on my trading experience.

Trade journal .

Screen recording of trade (mark your entry and sl on chart and record video).

Analyse the data you collect everyday after trading.

Set of rules for trade .

Maintain proper risk to reward ratio.

Know your entry , exit , target and stoploss.

After entering in trade don’t look your profit /loss just focus on chart mark your stoploss and target.

Be discipline in your personal life beacuse your trading personality is reflection of your daily habits and wins and kind of person you are in real.

Try to calculate your trade in terms of percentage not how much you made or lose throughout the month in terms of Rs.

Identify patterns of your trades watch your trade recordings and see how market reactes when you enter in trade why you entered trade what new happened that day.

Hold your profits long and cut your losses sooner.

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