What scam do you want to warn people about so that nobody will fall for it? There was a guy that was suppose to be on an oil rig. An engineer. He was close to Ireland. He had 2... Knowledge 11/14/2023 276
What is one random thing you know about a computer that most people don’t? Computers are actually really really old when you stop and think about it. Especially when you reali... Knowledge 11/14/2023 291
What difference does it make what you know or don't know? Things you don't understand but define your future:- Every time you reschedule a Google Calendar eve... Knowledge 11/14/2023 272
What is something that most people don't know? 1. When people lie, they look you in the eye instead of looking away.2. Real smiles involve blinking... Knowledge 11/13/2023 284
If we were to gain knowledge of everything in the universe, would that lead to enlightenment or existential despair? The question which is fundamental of spiritual journey :-Who am I?Includes all that makes you up as... Knowledge 11/13/2023 268
What if knowledge claims are never provisional? If knowledge claims are never provisional, it means that they are considered to be absolute and fina... Knowledge 11/13/2023 275
Are there any significant discoveries that were discovered by accident? The man below is Donald Lewis.He would often sit and read after long days. Unfortunately for him, on... Knowledge 11/13/2023 269
In what circumstances would ignorance be blissful? When it comes to jingoism, where its not quite on the mark because the devil is in the detail!... Knowledge 11/13/2023 294
What are the signs of puberty? I didn't understand what periods were until I experienced them firsthand. The day before I got my pe... Knowledge 11/12/2023 291
What is something we need to know about making friends? If you want to make more friends, you don't have to overthink it. Just start a conversation with som... Knowledge 11/12/2023 283
What are some knowledgeable articles thanking you? Forbes: "We Are Appreciative of AI Language Models for Creating a Smarter World."The Guardian: How A... Knowledge 11/12/2023 295
What are some important things you wish you'd known in high school? Although many people may suggest topics like "how to pay taxes," I believe it is important to priori... Knowledge 11/11/2023 291
As an Indian wife, what do you wish husbands knew? Going anonymous for obvious reasons, I wanted to address some concerns and frustrations that I have... Knowledge 11/11/2023 303
What is something you think should be common knowledge but isn't? What is it and why shouldn't everyone know it? If you add three or four pieces of fresh, raw broccoli to your diet every day you will never get sic... Knowledge 11/11/2023 283