I am 23. I recently discovered I don’t know anything at all. How can I improve myself, and learn more about how to do things? If you're starting with little knowledge, focus on cultivating a growth mindset and curiosity. Begin... Knowledge 11/11/2023 288
What are some of the most mind-blowing facts? Mind-blowing facts on pineapple alone…• A pineapple is not a single fruit, but a cluster of hundreds... Knowledge 11/11/2023 280
Do you know everything there is to know about space and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)? No, not even close.... Knowledge 11/10/2023 295
What is a surprisingly unknown survival fact that everyone should know? This is real picture of Phoolan Devi... Knowledge 11/10/2023 297
What is the most interesting fact you know about the world? Fact is the world and reason its possiblities or nature.Interest remains until one knows about this.... Knowledge 11/10/2023 282
What are you doing with the knowledge you're acquiring? Writing, thinking and keeping myself intellectually in touch with the wider world.... Knowledge 11/10/2023 301
Is it possible for knowledge of language to be increasing but use decreasing? If so, how? Yes, no, maybe, piss off... Knowledge 11/09/2023 282
Is biblical knowledge a combination of scientific and philosophical? I think God uses high science. Remember, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable... Knowledge 11/09/2023 282
What are the things we (probably) didn't know about our belly button? We all think of the hole in our tummy, which we call "belly button" or sometimes "navel", and decide... Knowledge 11/09/2023 312
What do you wish you knew before getting into a medical college in India? A2ASeriously I thought that MBBS=DOCTOR=SORTED LIFE=HAPPY LIFEOne thing I understood for sure is tha... Knowledge 11/09/2023 278
What are some of the most seemingly trivial facts you know? Croissants, a staple of French patisserie, actually originated in Austria.In a deck of playing cards... Knowledge 11/09/2023 272
What is the most interesting fact you know about Understanding Life? I have an eye for great humans. Like people who are actually great at what they do. Upon studying th... Knowledge 11/09/2023 319
Why do I have to know so many things that so many Earthlings don't know? A truly insane person, doesn't realize that they are mentally challenged.... Knowledge 11/09/2023 279