May I?
“Don’t cry” they said
again the tears ceased in his eyes.
Eyes meant to shine bright
now only shows his suppressed plight.
The supposedly radiant smile of his
carrying a heavy heart,
now overshadowed by the burdens of responsibility
keeps his feelings buried deeply
Fear of being never understood
fear of being judged
Oh, I wish someone tells you
“It’s okay, I’m here” - whenever you feel blue
“But you’re a boy” a voice echoed
he got reminded by others again
stopped himself from letting the emotions flow
crept again under the “I need to be strong” shadow
I wish you’d disentangle from the chains
could express a little more
could relax a little more
and be human, a little more
Dear boys,
Just to let you know, not everyone out their judges you, misunderstands you. You are precious and valued. You have the untold sufferings going on in your life too that you or anyone doesn’t talk about. May be we can never understand but hear me out, “It’s going to be okay, you got this and you’ll definitely get through it, just like you always did. Your beloved ones are there for you just like you were there for them.” AND I AM PROUD OF YOU!!
You are NOT the ones at fault always. Everyone is certainly not the same. We get you, trust me.
Smile…. please? please? ok fine, just a little, please? yeah that counts :P
As for the poem, see I don’t know much, just wrote whatever I’ve seen and felt. I may get criticized but that’s okay, I’m ready for it. I’m willing to understand and know more about you :)
Keep shining ✨
Radhe radhe 🌸
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