If you were to write a letter to your future self, what would it say?

admin 18 0

Dear Future Me,

I’m writing this letter to let you know, that despite my shortcomings, I am trying to do the best I can. It's not an effort for personal gain or to incense those who laugh at me behind my back, but so that YOU CAN BECOME THE BEST POSSIBLE VERSION OF ME. You are the sum of the best of my attributes while at the same time, the sum of the worst of my failures. A failure to be the perfect son, a failure to be the model student and a failure for not rising up to the potential YOU KNOW I CAN RISE UP TO. I am the sum and hope of all of my parent's dreams whereas you are the reality they have to face. I don't know for sure if it's a good or a bad one because I CAN'T RECEIVE A MESSAGE FROM YOU. I am the ghost behind your smile, and I may be the reason for when you cry. You will either be cursing at me under your breath or proud of the person I am, or maybe your feelings towards me are an amalgamation of those two. THE FUTURE'S NOT SET IN STONE and I know this but have not embraced it. This letter may go to one among an infinite future possibilities of me, but I pray that it finds its way to the person I aspire to become. You may not remember yourself being in this hour of self-contemplation but if among your memories or possessions, this letter comes to mind, I HOPE YOU WILL SMILE.

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