I want to improve my English writing skills. What are some effective strategies?

admin 21 0

Read published works because they have been professionally edited for effective writing.

Consider who your audience is, what they think, feel, and believe to be true. This will help you find the balance between content and tone.

Consider your purpose. What do you want the audience to think, feel, or do after reading what you wrote? Develop your ideas and presentation with that in mind. Never write just to write or to complete an assignment. Rather, write with a specific purpose in mind that involves an action that you want the audience to take after reading the work.

Be familiar with the subject so that you are confident about what you present to the reader. If you are not confident, you will avoid making the kinds of statements that would otherwise be powerful for your audience. If the audience believes you are avoiding the issues, you will lose the audience quickly.

Try to write as if you are leading someone who is not familiar with the deep, dark forest through that deep, dark forest. Guide them along the way by providing a sense that they are making progress toward a specific goal and they are trusting you to get them there safely.

Imagine that you are taking someone up a flight of stairs. There is the tread on which they will step and then there is the rise. Draw a horizontal line on the left side of a blank page. At the right end of the line, draw a vertical line. Repeat this process by attaching another horizontal line at the end of the vertical line until your drawing resembles a set of stairs.

What must the reader know in order to feel secure enough to take the next step up the flight of stairs? If they don’t know it, they will feel insecure, so give them that information before taking them up another level at which they should already know that and be able to apply it to their understanding of the subject.

Use graphic organizers. You can find them online fairly readily. Pick some that make sense to you and try them out. If you like them, you’ve found a useful tool.

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