What caused humans in the modern world to believe that a voting majority is a reliable indicator of insight, knowledge, wisdom, or simply plain sheer intelligence?

admin 15 0

Eh? I’ll tell you what, any bugger that does believe that wants carting off to the funny-farm without further ado for the good of both themselves and the public at large.

Have you never met humanity? It’s composed of the biggest collection of ding-dongs, lulus, and highly educated halfwits you’re ever likely to see and most of ’em that live in the west have ballot papers when you really wouldn’t trust ’em with cigarette papers.

I’ll tell you what else; if we had to have an intelligence test to go and vote half the polling stations would have no bugger whatsoever coming through the doors, and the other half’d be lucky to get two apiece. If we had to have an intelligence test for prospective MPs, there’d be six-hundred and forty-eight empty seats and the only reason the other two would be occupied was because they’d somehow managed to sneak in a cribsheet.

My days, perish the bloody thought. The reason we elect the numpter with the most votes is that more voting numpters voted for that numpter than they did any other numpter because the winner’s numptiness chimed with the numptiness of the most voters. Except in Rochdale. There they vote in accordance with whatever they’re having for tea that night. Meat ’n’ tater pie? Liberal it is, then! Chop dinner? Labour for me! Steak ’n’ Chips? Vote Tory! Well, it’s the only theory that fits the facts, anyway.

I notice, inquisitor, that you’re a bit on the German side of things. Getting a tad pissy because the lot you don’t like did well in the ex-communisty bits, are we? Oh well, never mind, because if things do get a bit out of hand over there again, we’ve got a few hundred Spitfires hidden away somewhere you don’t know about so don’t worry, and that goes for you too Jacques; just keep us updated on the state of your beaches and we’ll be round to bail you out again.

I blame the EU. Ursula von der Planksthem.

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