Imagine you were a beginner writer with little marketing experience and a busy life. You don't want to self publish and shoulder all the burden alone nor compromise your work that you love dearly if you publish traditionally. What should you do?

admin 17 0

A) Look at legitimate hybrid publishers, with the expectation you will be paying them to do the things you don't want to do.

Expect prices to be reasonable, expect them to take a significant share of the royalties, expect them to do a good job. All of that assumes you are dealing with a real hybrid publisher, not a scammer.

Also understand they won't take on books they consider inferior. They don't care to compromise their artistic judgment either, and they only work with books they think will sell fairly well.

B) Query agents.

The idea that you inevitably have to compromise your artistic judgment if you traditionally publish is wrong. All my Big Five editors were good at editing. All were respectful of my work. None asked me to do something in revision that I wasn't happy to do. My books were better because of their suggestions.

Today, skilled beta readers edit for me. You know which beta reader is best at editing? The one who is actually a professional editor. Editorial skill is a real thing, it's not that easy to find, and authors should appreciate a good editor.

If your artistic judgment is so swamped by ego that you can't work with a good editor, that's probably not going to work out well no matter what you do. The later works of sufficiently famous authors sometimes suffer from lack of editing, which is a shame when it happens.

If you recognize good suggestions when you hear them, then you will probably appreciate your editor's skilled perception.

Although I have heard of bad experiences with editors, again, I never experienced that personally with any Big Five editor. If you want the publisher to do everything, then query agents. You can always turn down a contract if you discover you don't trust the editor when you chat with her.

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