Embracing a creative mindset often means viewing the constant influx of ideas as a blessing rather than a curse. When I'm immersed in writing comic book scripts, I find the simple form of pen and paper to be incredibly liberating. My primary goal is to capture the essence of my ideas without any hindrance, allowing the creative juices to flow freely onto the page. During this initial phase, I don't concern myself with sentence structure, spelling, or grammar—those details can wait.
Once I've poured out my raw, unfiltered thoughts onto paper, I transition to the refining stage. This is where I begin to shape and mold the narrative, trimming away excess details while enhancing elements that align with my core ideas. With the foundation in place, I shift my focus to editing, meticulously fine-tuning spelling, grammar, pacing, plot points, and character arcs until the script is polished and ready for feedback or publication.
So I think you just require a subtle shift in your approach. Try to allow your ideas to flow freely, whether by speaking into a smartphone, jotting them down on a notepad, or using whatever method works best with you. Once you've captured your initial thoughts, you can slow down to analyze, structure, and refine your story. Remember, coming up with the spark of a great idea is often the hardest part, and it sounds like you're already well on your way!
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