Why are some students in the Philippines promoted to higher grade levels despite struggling with reading and basic math skills?

admin 3 0

Thanks for the OTA.

Pardon me if I would answer your question in a different approach. I really do not see the so-called “education system” as a system intended to educate. It is simply a system labeled with the word “EDUCATION” and is intended or designed to cause severe mental and intellectual degradation amongst our people.

Reading is NOT supposed to be taught. It is a personal skill that is supposed to be developed naturally as the mental and intellectual functionalities of the encephalon (brain) also develop. When I say natural, the process is organic and without external intervention. “Reading” is not measured based on how a person can recognize and connect different symbols a.k.a letters and words and sentences when put together. Comprehension does not mean being able to read the phrase properly and understand what it means. Reading with comprehension is achieved when the person is able to grasp as to the reason why.

My youngest daughter during his formative years grew up watching cartoons on television almost the whole time of everyday since we are all busy at work and her grandparents also had to do their chores. Guess what, I can hardly talk to her. She is fluent in English and can hardly speak Tagalog or Ilocano. I even jokingly said, “your future is call cener”.

In the Philippines, students are taught or trained to read not because the system wants to see the people grow to become “PRODUCTIVE”. Students are being trained to “FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS”. If you know how to read you can do what you are being made to do, period. That’s the sad reality. Tell me when did you see a toddler given free time watching videos and grew up knowing nothing?

And going back to your question;

Why are some students in the Philippines promoted to higher grade levels despite struggling with reading and basic math skills?


The system or program implemented since the 1987 Constitution was promulgated was NOT meant to help the youth grow and develop the mental and intellectual functionalities of the brain system. It is designed to achieve the opposite.


The DECS was promulgated under former President Marcos to help Filipinos to become CREATIVE, INNOVATIVE, PRODUCTIVE, and SELF-RELIANT.


A program that was designed and mandated by UNESCO by foreign entity with the intent to cause mental and intellectual degradation and intended to develop and train LABORERS (modern slaves).

Filipinos prior GEN X, were paid NOT BASED ON SALARY MATRIX but based on their SKILLS and TALENTS. Paid based on their ability to innovate, creativity, talents, and skills that an individual or a company can offer. Back then, Filipinos didn’t go out to the streets and rally to demand for salary increases. (except for employees). Filipinos back then were paid based on what they can offer, skills and talent wise. Back then, it is the Filipinos who demand higher pay based on what they can offer to the world. Back then, Saudi people would search talents from the Philippines and lure Filipinos with price offers. Today, Filipinos go abroad not because of their creativity and talents, but because they need the menial pay in exchange for their extensive labor responsibility.

Do not measure a child or a person’s capability based on the standards designed to train and mold MODERN SLAVES. Desire for our youth to find genuine (real) teachers, and hope they are led away from incompetent people LABELED as teachers. Incompetent for not knowing they are not teachers, but propagators”.

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