I’ve attended several interviews but received rejections after weeks of waiting. May be communication skills can help me to secure a job. How can I enhance my chances?

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The Club blog site Kapable has a post by Muskaan Oswal dated December 30, 2023 entitled: ‘How to Improve Communication Skills for Interviews – Tips, Techniques, and Common Interview Questions’ which suggests the following: “As you prepare to showcase the right skills and suitability for a job to your interviewer, keeping a few crucial insights in mind before the interview can make all the difference.

Effective communication begins with articulating thoughts concisely. In interviews, one of the most important factor is clarity.

Active listening in communication is crucial, especially when interacting with the interviewer. Pay close attention to the interviewer’s questions, seek clarification, and respond thoughtfully.

Learning Adaptive Communication is a key trait in effective communication skills when engaging with the interviewer. Beyond showcasing verbal and non-verbal skills, the ability to communicate according to the company culture is invaluable.

Research the company and role thoroughly, aligning your responses with their values and needs. This targeted approach showcases genuine interest and demonstrates your understanding of the organization.

Anticipate questions and practice articulating clear, concise responses. Use specific examples to illustrate skills and achievements, enhancing your ability to respond effectively and boosting confidence during the interview.

Practise positive and confident body language, including a firm handshake and good posture. To improve, record practice sessions to identify improvements and seek feedback to convey professionalism and confidence.

You need to practise maintaining eye contact, a non-verbal cue signalling confidence and attentiveness. If you are in virtual or face-to-face interviews, strike a balance to enhance your overall impression to the interviewer.”

See much more in the post.

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