Is SQL sufficient for a data scientist or are more advanced skills required?

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Is SQL sufficient for a data scientist or are more advanced skills required?

Short answer No.

Long answer

To get to the bottom of this question, let’s first try to understand what SQL is used for.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language; it is essentially the language people use to ask the database questions about its contents.

Since a Data scientist's job is to create value from data, whether that is from advanced analytics or machine learning, it invariably means a Data scientist will need to know how to make SQL queries. However, getting the data is just the first step, so usually, a Data scientist needs to have other tools in his toolbelt. Examples of other tools are data storytelling, python programming, machine learning, deep domain knowledge, communication skills, etc.

SQL alone won’t be sufficient for you to know as a data scientist, but it is a very important skill.

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