How can I improve my communication and negotiation skills?

admin 17 0

First , there's is a most important thing in any conversation and Cummunication and that is listening others , when you talking to someone first listen them carefully, and react , don't include a huge gap in Cummunication it's fills very awkward, always try to respond them .

Second thing is your voice tone , it should be normal I meant i mean one should speak neither too fast nor too slow .

Third is your body posture , this is most important thing in any conversation , when you talking to someone make sure your body posture should be normal', don't be hesitate, don't be nervous for example when someone talking to you you are looking anywhere , it feel like you are not interested to listen them , so maintain your body posture,and react with some smile .

Forth is your eye contact ,this is the 4th Assential part of Cummunication, so maintain a good eye contact , and noticed that point you don't be stare , it feels very awkward so keep that in your mind .

Fifth ,is your language and look , first impression is the last impression as you know exactly I'm trying to say your look Assential part your personality , because it's your impression on someone , make sure your look is great , it can improve confidence, when you wear nice and great clothes, you feel like very confident that's why your look is very important and your language describe your whole personality because how you talk to someone , how you describe anything, it's totally depends on your language, so try to use great languages for describe yourself and anything and make sure use simple words that can help to other to understand what you are trying to say .

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