Is there a correlation between intelligence and critical thinking skills, or can they exist independently of each other?

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So first, what is Intelligence? In the technical realm, it is a hypothetical construct representing the capacity of thinking and reasoning. In an attempt to quantify intelligence, IQ (Intelligence Quotient) assessments were developed decades ago in the form of multi-phase tests. I’ve given many of these tests and it is way beyond the scope of this particular post to discuss their details, scope, limitations, and usage. Suffice it to say, they are an acceptable means of measuring this rather elusive idea of ‘intelligence’. I’d like to add, that a person deemed highly ‘intelligent’ may not have gone very far in school, and likewise a person with so called ‘average’ intelligence may pursue quite an advanced education. But there is general agreement that the more highly educated a person, the more ‘intelligent’ they may be.

Which brings me to ‘critical thinking’. Unlike intelligence that represents a hypothetical capacity, critical thinking is simply a skill. It is a method of analyzing information and making sense of it. And like any other skill, it has to be learned (or not). Simple as that. While you can (theoretically) be born with a high IQ, you are not born with the skills of critical thinking.

So, to answer the question about correlation, an intelligent person may be more likely to actively pursue and learn the methodology of critical thinking, assuming they are also interested in ascertaining the facts. Because of this, I would think yes, there would be a high correlation between intelligence and CT.

As far as existing independently? I can easily picture an individual of any intellectual level lacking or having critical thinking skills. But I would not know what a person would look like having this skill but having no intelligence. As a result, I would have to say no, they cannot exist independently. Some level of intelligence is required to learn any skill.

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