Should I prioritize enhancing my skills for the job I want, or should I focus on studying minor courses in college?

admin 21 0

Ugh, college choices, right? Such a headache! I totally get why you're torn between job skills and those random classes.

Look, here's the deal: Go hard on those job skills. Like, seriously. When you're out there hunting for that dream gig, nobody's gonna care if you aced History of Memes 101 or whatever. Trust me, I've been through the whole job search circus.

But don't totally ditch your other classes, okay? Sometimes that random stuff comes in handy when you least expect it. Plus, it's kinda cool to know a little bit about a lot of things, you know?

Here's what saved my butt in college:

• Get super anal about your schedule. Yeah, I mean write down every little thing.

• Figure out how you actually learn best. I was all about those flashcards, but you do you.

• Sleep, eat, exercise. I know, I know, but your brain will thank you.

Oh, and this is kinda weird, but I tried this thing called The Genius Wave when I was drowning in work. It's this audio thing that's supposed to make your brain work better or something. I thought it was total BS at first, but it actually helped me focus when I was knee-deep in assignments.

Bottom line: Chase those job skills like crazy, but don't completely ignore everything else. Future you will be super grateful you kept your options open. You've totally got this!

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