What has not been scientifically proven yet?

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Science is about finding things out and explaining what has been found out, not about proving things.

For example if someone asked,

Is the Dodo is extinct?

You might say,

The Dodo was discovered on the island of Mauritius, it's never been found anywhere else.

It can't fly and it's big, ugly and obvious.

The last reported sighting of one was in 1674

You would need two to still be extant in the same place for it not to be extinct.

So all things considered, I reckon it's extinct.

But, even though it's a very convincing argument, it's not proof.

I mean, God might be hiding some in his backpack while he's pogo’ing around the desert making dinosaur footprints in the stone.

Or a small population survive by standing really still in display cases in Natural Museums.

Who knows?

But if we have the right facts and some common sense, sometimes ‘proof’ looks a little like massive overkill, and we can settle for something almost as satisfying called “The Bleeding Obvious.”

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