What is one skill I can learn in the next 5 to 10 minutes that will significantly enhance my everyday life?

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Speed Reading

Learn the Basics:

· Stop Subvocalization: Avoid silently pronouncing words as you read. This will help increase your reading speed.

· Use a Pointer: Guide your eyes with your finger or a pen. This helps maintain focus and prevents backtracking.

· Chunking: Read groups of words or phrases together instead of individual words. This improves efficiency.

· Practice: Regularly practice these techniques to increase your reading speed.

· Set Goals: Aim for a specific number of words per minute and gradually increase your target.

What is one skill I can learn in the next 5 to 10 minutes that will significantly enhance my everyday life?-第1张图片

Personal Impact

These techniques have significantly improved my reading speed in both work and leisure.

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