Is there such a thing as being "too" intelligent or "overly" knowledgeable? that is why i am where i am…too much knowledge, however, i m being blinded and have no idea who to t... Knowledge 12/02/2023 244
How do I understand everything? If you want to understand everything, try understanding Non-Duality! There’s literally nothing I cou... Knowledge 12/02/2023 237
Why do people say "when you know, you know"? Similar question to “ what you called a man who doesnt have a nose ?” The answer is No body knows... Knowledge 12/02/2023 234
The most interesting fact that you know and I don't, but I should? The ancient Egyptians used mouldy bread on infected wounds and cuts in order to treat some patients,... Knowledge 12/02/2023 243
What do you wish you knew at age 20? I'm currently 33 years old, and if I could go back 13 years, here are the things I would tell my you... Knowledge 12/02/2023 242
What is the difference between a matter of opinion and a matter of fact? Is there a way for the brain to differentiate between facts and opinions?... Knowledge 12/02/2023 232
What are skills, knowledge, and attitudes that you already know and have about a topic? I can strike hard and fast with devastating effects in deadly situations.I have a street truth Speci... Knowledge 12/02/2023 233
How can knowledge of the world be harmful to us humans? Knowledge of the world could destroy a lot of religious beliefs.... Knowledge 12/02/2023 229
The most useful thing you know that most people do in the wrong way? A man in China has been using a club as a nutcracker for 25 years, until he realised what it was act... Knowledge 12/02/2023 227
How do I become a femboy without my parents knowing? Grow upYou are born male - be maleIf you are homosexual be one but don't tryand puh this on to other... Knowledge 12/01/2023 256
What's something you've never told anyone? In 2020, I spent two nights in jail because my then boyfriend got me arrested after I failed to pay... Knowledge 12/01/2023 229
How can I improve my basic knowledge about mathematics? Visit Khan Academy 7 days weekPractice Practice PracticeTake Tests every 72 hoursShare/Discuss with... Knowledge 12/01/2023 239
What are some useless, but interesting, pieces of information you know? Goldfish actually have pretty good memories. Studies have shown that they can remember things for we... Knowledge 12/01/2023 218