What are the benefits of taking an online meditation course from Udemy?

admin 37 0

Follow the steps below and you will not need to take any courses.

Meditation is the most important habit you can ever form. Stress lies at the root of our problems in life. Meditation releases stress naturally and easily. It also takes your awareness to Pure Consciousness, your True Self, whose nature is Bliss and Peace. Once PC is stabilized 24/7, you are Enlightened, at the end of suffering, and have attained the goal of life.

Here are the steps:

1. find a quiet place

2. sit comfortably

3. close the eyes

4. think the mantra “OM”

5. allow thoughts and feelings to come as they will

6. when you realize you are off the mantra, think it again (it can be vague or soft, that is fine)

7. do this for 20 minutes morning and evening

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