What is the best video hosting solution for an online course? Around 150 videos in an online course, around 6 GB. 30 of those will be free and I want to charge for the remaining 120. I will be embedding these videos on my wordpress based site.

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Choosing the right video hosting solution for an online course with specific requirements like yours involves considering several factors. Platforms like StreamingVideoProvider, Thinkific, and Teachable are well-suited for such needs. StreamingVideoProvider offers efficient handling of a large number of videos, including pay-per-view options for monetizing content. Thinkific and Teachable, while primarily course creation tools, also provide robust video hosting capabilities. These platforms support seamless integration with WordPress, making it easy to embed your videos on your site. For your course, with 150 videos and a mix of free and paid content, these platforms offer the necessary flexibility and scalability, with StreamingVideoProvider being particularly adept at handling both free and paid video access.

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