What is your special talent? I cab easily tell what is happening in most pop songs, in terms of the chord progression. In other w... Writing 01/12/2024 251
Do you find that writing with a pen manifest better than typing? I find that “manifesting” in any form is 100% bullshit.... Writing 01/12/2024 313
How do I improve my writing skills for the UPSC mains exam? Start it with short books and short topics that are easy to absorb, memorize, and write. Generally,... Writing 01/12/2024 310
How do freelance editors handle a client with bad writing (i.e., head hopping, grammatical errors, etc.)? This question reinforces the importance of the editor clearly defining with the client at the beginn... Writing 01/12/2024 310
How do I improve my writing skills for IAS exams? When we read, we learn more. For writing the best & relevant answers it is very important that you k... Writing 01/11/2024 315
How do I find master thesis writers? Look in the mirror, case closed! Do the work and write your paper yourself.... Writing 01/11/2024 260
Are there any specific formatting or citation styles that a business of writing service follows? Yes, many writing services adhere to specific formatting and citation styles depending on the client... Writing 01/11/2024 287
How does writing consistently transform your life? Writing consistently can transform your life by clarifying your thinking, ideas, and thought process... Writing 01/11/2024 295
Can you write a book about your family history without getting permission from anyone in the family? You have to get permission from at least the head of the family... Writing 01/11/2024 280
If note taking using pen and paper really proves to have more benefits than using computer, how can you effectively organize/catalogue your notes so that in the future you can easily refer back to what you learn and jot down? Here at On The Rocks, we are big fans of writing with pen and Rockbooks. Not much to your surprise,... Writing 01/11/2024 281
What is the best book about creativity? I honestly don’t know “the best book about creativity”, but I think that if you are interested in cr... Writing 01/11/2024 280
If you were to write a letter to your future self, what would you include and what advice would you give? Dear Future Self (Shnayas ,I hope this letter finds you well. As your younger self, I wanted to take... Writing 01/11/2024 263
What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to write a novel in which the protagonist is an aspiring writer who finds it hard to complete their first draft? In publishing there is something called, “The Elevator Pitch;” which is explaining what your story i... Writing 01/10/2024 299
Is it okay to portray a character to be racist inside a novel that I write? Let's say it's important for the storyline. Of course it is. Read some of the classics. Notice what resonates in your own soul. The writers prob... Writing 01/10/2024 307