Because I am very bad when it comes to typing, I am writing a book on paper with pencil. If I want this to be published, can I just hand it in, or does it need to be digital? No publisher on the planet will accept a hand-written manuscript. I’m pretty sure they stopped accep... Writing 08/27/2024 26
How do I improve the quality of writing skills? Improve Your English Writing SkillsDaily writing practice is important for understanding language st... Writing 08/27/2024 28
Where can I find someone who could read my book and correct eventual mistakes and make sure he doesn't steal my work? They are called editors. You either pay them, or you find someone at school or even a community coll... Writing 08/27/2024 27
Is it hard to make money as a writer? Making money as a writer can be challenging, especially when starting out. It requires:Building a Po... Writing 08/27/2024 20
If I were to get into the habit of writing something everyday, what would I write? I woke up at 3:00 am feeling anxious about I don’t even know what. Have you ever felt generalized an... Writing 08/27/2024 17
How can I start working as a writer or as a medical writer (I am a medical student)? Is it really worth working as a writer? Most writers make less than minimum wage for writing.... Writing 08/27/2024 27
Will essay writing services help you to have good grades? They will lead to charges of academic dishonesty, which mean a minimum of a grade of zero on the ass... Writing 08/27/2024 15
How do I quote a definition in an essay/research paper? Quoting a definition in an essay or research paper requires a precise approach to ensure clarity and... Writing 08/27/2024 31
Is it beneficial to use an assignment help service for homework and essay writing, even if you are capable of managing on your own and achieving good grades? Using an assignment help service can indeed be beneficial, even for those who manage their coursewor... Writing 08/27/2024 13
My child is going into 7th grade and her summer reading assignment is to read an age-appropriate fiction novel. She will have to write an essay about it. She wants something advanced, but still appropriate for school. Any suggestions? Tamora Pierce’s “Protector of the Small” series. The first book in the quartet is First Test.I’m an... Writing 08/27/2024 27
Do mathematicians write on paper all the time? This is an older question but I'll answer yes for me.I come at it from the approach that most of my... Writing 08/27/2024 19
Do publishers do a punctuation check or reject books that could have mistakes? Do they edit a final version? Here's the deal.Publishers are looking for writers. That is, people who have good stories to tell, a... Writing 08/27/2024 29
What is the best style of cursive handwriting? How do I learn it? I do not know I cannot do cursive.... Writing 08/27/2024 31
Are writing careers a good election for the future? Which are some writing careers with more future growth? Fiction: no. Only 5% of all fiction writers make a living from it. That has not changed in the 30 ye... Writing 08/27/2024 24
What is the best way to improve essay writing? Writing improves with practice. It’s the same concept as playing the flute, competing in tennis, bak... Writing 04/27/2024 540