If you were tasked with creating a new writing system, script, and orthography for the English language, what would it look like?

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Okay. I have to create a new writing system for English. Let’s set a goal of 1 letter = 1 sound.

Now, we’ll start with the consonants, since that’s the easy part, and let’s start with digraphs.

‘th’ is replaced with ᴆ and Þ to represent the unvoiced and voiced ‘th’ sounds. English has never been consistent with this, even when those were letters in English, so let’s just say ᴆ is unvoiced (‘thin’) and Þ is voiced (‘though’).

‘ch’ as in church is now just ‘c’. ‘ch’ as in ‘Christ’ is now ‘X’. All hard ‘c’ sounds — like ‘cat’ and ‘car’ — are replaced by ‘k’. ‘Q’ is out. ‘Take the kween’s kar to the curc and sing praises to Xrist.’ ‘c’ when sounding as an ‘s’ will be replaced with an ‘s’.

Now, that means ‘x’ has to cange. ‘X’ can easily be replased by its sounds - ‘ks’. ‘Put the book in the boks.’ After all, we want 1 letter = 1 sound, and ‘x’ makes two sounds.

‘sh’, and in some instantances, ‘su’, gets replaced with a long s: ſ. ‘ſurely you wouldn’t add extra ſugar to your ſake’

The abomination of ‘-ough’, and its 43 different pronunsiations is out. So is its kousin ‘-augh’. These will be replaced by the sounds that the word makes.

Double konsonants are out. One is enough. (Kompound words would still have the double, Þō, to indikate the kompound nature.

‘t’, when making a ‘sh’ or ‘ch’ sound wil be replased akording to the rules above. (nation->naſion, nature -> nacure).

So Þat about sumarizes Þe canges to Þe konsonants. Do you have any kwestchions so far?

We return to rhotik English. Non-rhotik dialekts evolved because some Britiſ Prinsling wanted to sound more Frenc. No more of Þat nonsense.

ng becomes ŋ

ph is f

Onto Þe vowels.

Magik e/silent e is replaced by a makron on Þe vowel Þe e would modify. Sē how easy Þis kan be.

Silent e Þat doesn’t modify the previous is out.

Any vowel digraph soundiŋ an existiŋ letter is replaced by Þat leter.

‘y’ is out as a vowel, in most instances.

Schwa e becoms ə

Now, Engliſ has 15 vowl sounds, and we’v onlē adresed 10 of Þem. Let’s rekap the Engliſ vowl sounds, in the regular speliŋ:

bat, bet, bit, bot, but,

bait, beet, bite, boat,

bog, boy, boot, put, down, butte

Þe first līn is coverd as Þe bās cās.

Þe second līn is coverd wið Þe makron.

Þe ðird līn is trikē. We’r out of komon caractrs. ‘bog’ and ‘down’ are similar, so Þā ſould use Þe sām formula. I propōs the folōiŋ:

bog -> băg, down -> dŏn ( xw sounds gets a breve ovr Þevowl.)

boy -> bȯ (xi sounds -> gets a dot ovr Þe vowl.)

butte/cute -> byut, kyut

put -> pʉt

and finalē,


Nŏ, yu hav a sensibl orᴆografē for Þe Engliſ lāngwij. Eksampls:

“In Þe beginiŋ God krēātəd the hevens and Þe ərᴆ.”

“To be, or not to be: Þat is the kwestcin: WeÞer 'tis noblr in Þe mind to sufer Þe sliŋs and arōs of ŏtrāgʉs forchyun, Or tꝏ tāk arms aganst a sē of trʉbls, And by ōpōsiŋ end Þem?”

I ekspekt ăl futchr kwestcins tꝏ yus Þis speliŋ from nŏ on. Yu kan spel anēᴆiŋ!

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