The answer is more complex than a simple yes, or number of minutes. It will help you greatly in your goal of writing to read and write every day. Of course the more you can do, the better. If you have a day job or other obligations, parenting for example, it is obviously harder to squeeze in the time. However consistency rather than quantity is very important. You will definitely improve by doing an hour of each of these a day. And these are admirable goals. The best strategy is to commit to a certain amount of time every day and ACHIEVE YOUR COMMITMENT. If you repeatedly miss or avoid your commitment because it is too long, or too daunting, or really not realistic given your other obligations, this can be counterproductive. It is better to set modest goals, hit them very reliably, building up stamina and concentration. However, if you have relatively free days, or few outside obligations, then push yourself for the longer commitments. Remember, aim for consistency and do these things EVERY DAY until they no longer feel daunting. Soon they will be much easier. And may even be so enjoyable that you will long to do them!!!
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