How does one develop his or her writing ability?

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1. Read more.

Focus on your favorite authors. Study their approaches to storytelling. Yet never, ever copy! Appreciate, admire, and even try to emulate in your writing their styles but keep your identity, your dignity as a writer. This process takes longer than you can imagine (years, even!), but with diligence and perseverance, you will soon discover who you are as a writer - distinct and separate in concepts and creativity. That is the honest price/prize of learning a creative discipline.

2. Write more.

When you sit down on your writing spot and do the exercise, you can gain insights from your favorite authors and stories (and not-so-popular authors and stories, too). Other authors, especially those still struggling to maintain a firm hold of their success, offer a wealth of advice you can dig and glean from their writing styles and stories. Now this is hard work. This is not as easy as “google it!” Success does not come like winning in the races or a ball game bet. Your sincere dedication to polish your craft is certainly demanded and required.

3. Enjoy more.

One must always be ready for that surprise - a muse-like-blessing on your writing. After all, writing is an ART and there are muses and gods to please. Be diligent and they will grant you favors with a smile. As always, concentrate and enjoy your time writing. Be proud of your work, whether it’s a draft, a polished 44th draft, or multiple rejected submissions to publishers. Soon, you’ll enjoy the limelight.

All the best of luck!

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