Reading and writing is easy in Chinese, but how can I improve my pronunciation?

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Fake it!

Have 飯 with it. Can I really have 繁?胡 say you can't have 范 over for dinner. Who is 范fun?Maybe he can figure a way to improve speaking Chinese.

Vocal training. You may not be able to sing but you can if you train your voice. English words are mostly in the fourth tone, like “fun”. You ask a question in the second tone like 繁fun?Try pretending to be able to speak like an expert even if you can't understand a word like 胡说八道。You already know 胡 see if you can pick up how to say 说shuo maybe ask someone how to say 说话呀!You already know how to read so 八 should not be a problem. If you can't pronounce “ba” try “pa”. 道 is the Word (in the beginning was the Word 道). It is also the 道 of Taoism but it is not 刀ism, it is 道Tao!刀 is in the first tone. So get to know how to 胡说八道 like a Chinese.

Now go to Chinatown and join in the conversation. Just say 胡说八道 to everything you hear that is anti China. That is going to improve your pronunciation fairly quickly.

T&C apply, some assembling may be needed. Battery not included.

ps: ok what I mean is train yourself to vocalise in Chinese by “faking” it repeating what you hear eventhough you may not understand a word.

Join your local church that has a Chinese (Mandarin) service and listen to the Word. Do unto others what you would others do unto you. Speak to them.

Or go to Confucius Institute near you where it is taught “己所不欲勿施于人“。Repeat this daily but first get it right in your practice.

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