Is there financial value in writing a children's book? How much can an author expect to earn from their first published book?

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Start with a plan, a rigorous plan to make your book a success. Make the plan bold, original, but doable. However, don’t plan to spend what you make until after you’ve made it. Remember, only one in six books typically makes money beyond the initial costs, but there is no reason you can‘t be the exception if you know the rules. You do know the rules right? There really are rules for children’s books…maybe even more than for books for adults. So if you want to make money, better learn the rules. Did you think this was going to be easy? I am not discouraging you. There are many authors that make money from writing children‘s books. But to be honest, what you can EXPECT to earn from your first published book is very little. However, you are welcome to be the exception. There are no upward limits. You can earn exactly what your talent, drive, persistence and good fortunate can generate.

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