What are some print, TV, or web ads that influence your opinion on a political or social issue that I could write about for my college paper? I need ones with good depth and small details that can have deep meanings.

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A powerful example of an ad that influences political and social opinions is the "Daisy" TV ad from Lyndon B. Johnson's 1964 presidential campaign. The ad featured a young girl counting petals on a flower, followed by a nuclear explosion countdown, symbolizing the stakes of nuclear war. Though it aired only once, its stark imagery and underlying message about the dangers of nuclear conflict were deeply emotional, aiming to sway voters against Johnson’s opponent, Barry Goldwater, by portraying him as a threat to peace. This ad is significant due to its use of subtle imagery, fear-based messaging, and emotional manipulation, making it a great topic for analysis in terms of visual rhetoric and political psychology.


1. Ads about Social Issues, Elections or Politics | Transparency Center

2. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46516

3. Why are you seeing this digital political ad? No one knows!

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