How can you determine if someone has thought about writing fiction or if they have actually written it?

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Determining whether someone has merely thought about writing fiction or has actually done it can be subtle, but here are some effective ways to gauge their experience:

1. **Ask Specific Questions:**

- **About Their Process:** Inquire about their writing routine. For instance, “What does your writing process look like?” Someone who has written will likely have a more structured answer.

- **Work in Progress:** Ask if they have any current projects. If they mention a specific story or character, it’s a good sign they’ve been writing.

2. **Inquire About Experience:**

- **Past Works:** Ask them if they’ve completed any stories or novels. If they can provide titles or details, they’ve likely done more than just think about writing.

- **Feedback:** Inquire whether they’ve shared their work with others or received feedback. This indicates they’ve taken the step to write and seek improvement.

3. **Discuss Challenges:**

- **Obstacles Faced:** Ask about challenges they encountered while writing. Someone who has written will have personal insights on overcoming writer’s block or plot issues.

4. **Talk About Goals:**

- **Future Aspirations:** Ask about their goals in writing. A writer will often discuss ambitions like publishing, participating in workshops, or attending writer’s conferences.

5. **Look for Terminology:**

- **Use of Writing Terms:** Listen for their use of terminology related to writing, such as “plot development,” “character arcs,” or “editing.” Familiarity with these terms can indicate experience.

6. **Ask About Reading Habits:**

- **Influences:** Inquire about authors they admire or books that inspire them. A serious writer will often have a deep appreciation for fiction and can articulate what they’ve learned from their reading.

7. **Request a Sample:**

- **Writing Samples:** If the conversation allows, ask if they’d be willing to share a short piece or excerpt. This is the most direct way to see if they’ve engaged in writing.

By combining these approaches, you can get a clearer picture of whether someone has genuinely written fiction or is still in the ideation stage.

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