How should I develop a habit of reading the newspaper?

admin 18 0

Have you got access to books?

You’ve got access to some form of internet and there are free books available on there.

Depending on your circumstances, I would suggest going into a secondhand bookshop, local bookshop or a charity shop and looking at the different sections and see what section grabs your attention.

Then look at the books and see what titles interest you.

Read the information either in the front cover of the book or on the back of it. Does it interest you? Does it make you want to know more?

Buy the book and go home. Now put a timer on for thirty minutes, get comfy and read your new book. If after half an hour you’re struggling to understand or finding it difficult to concentrate, get up and do something active. Housework, gardening, making a meal. Do this for twenty minutes.

Now timer on again for half an hour and write what you’ve done today. You can start with got out of bed…

It doesn’t matter what you write or what you write on or with. It matters that you write.

Doing these two activities will get you learning. People seem to worry a lot about learning but we’re learning all the time. From when you wake up to when you go to sleep, your brain is taking in facts. So you’re learning all the time.

So set yourself half an hour to read and half an hour to write every day. After a month, it will become a habit and you will have learnt a lot. Good luck

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