Can reading newspaper articles, watching movies and television shows, and listening to songs improve one's English writing skills? Is there evidence to support this claim?

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Consuming diverse media can enhance an aspiring writer’s linguistic capabilities and, consequently, their ability to think critically and articulate thoughts effectively.

Exposure to authentic language use can enhance one’s vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and overall comprehension of how language functions in different contexts.

I’m going to break this down further by differentiating between formal writing (Newspaper, books, articles) and spoken language (television, movies, songs)

How to write well

Clarity of thought forms the core foundation of coherent writing.

When you possessed the ability to decide how to present your ideas, supporting arguments and evidence in a way that flows logically from on point to another in written form, you become an effective writer.

This requires careful consideration of the order and relationship between ideas, which is intricate and significant. The spoken language, which is distinctively different from the written word; is often more informal and spontaneous, allowing for filler words, pauses, and digressions.

Writing generally requires more careful organization and structure to maintain coherence, as it lacks the immediate feedback and context that spoken conversations provide.

To be able to produce great writing, it is logical that one must first read great writing.

I offer the following 4 points on why reading will help enrich the writing process and empower aspiring writers to articulate their thoughts with clarity and precision.

1. Reading for exposure to styles and techniques

Reading formal forms of writing such as newspapers and research articles exposes learners to the appropriate use of well-structured, complex sentence and higher-level vocabulary which will strengthens the learner’s ability to use similar structures in their own writing.

These types of writing encompass journalistic styles, objective reporting, and opinion pieces, all of which are excellent for learning how to adjust your writing style according to different contexts and audiences.

2. Read to understand nuances and subtexts

Engaging with well-crafted prose helps readers understand nuance and subtext, teaching them how to convey complex thoughts effectively. This helps develop a deeper understanding of how to craft sentences that resonate with readers.

3. Read to be inspired

Reading widely can inspire creativity and spark new ideas.

I used to be all about fantasy fiction, thanks to my childhood obsession with video games. But now, I’ve branched out into other genres like detective thrillers and historical books. It’s been great because it not only broadens my horizons on different topics but also helps me discover new writing styles along the way.

Engaging with great writing has helped me explore different perspectives and ways of expressing my ideas and enrich my writing process.

4. Read to foster critical thinking and analysis

Analyzing great writing helps develop critical thinking skills. By dissecting arguments and examining the clarity of thought in others’ writing, readers can better understand what makes writing effective and how to apply those lessons to their own work.

Online writing landscape

Mark twain famously wrote: ‘the difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter’

Which highlights the importance of precise language in communication. He believed that choosing the exact word, rather than a near or approximate one, can drastically change the meaning or impact of a statement. The “right word” conveys the intended message clearly and effectively, while the “almost right word” may confuse or weaken the message.

In his published essay “Politics and the English Language,” George Orwell wrote:

“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought,”

Orwell argues that vague and convoluted language often obscures meaning and hinders clear thinking, enabling those in power to manipulate public perception and control discourse.

In today’s digital landscape, where communication predominantly occurs online, the use of informal language, slang, and cultural terms can significantly enhance the strength and resonance of a message.

A co-worker recently pointed out that my writing style is a bit too formal, even for emails. Realizing how much communication has changed, I’ve started to adopt a more informal tone in my online writing. It really helps make my messages feel more relatable and accessible to our audience.

Spoken mediums as a way to develop writing skills

Movies and TV shows introduce dialogue-driven language and narrative techniques that can be useful for creative writing or informal correspondence. Songs, on the other hand, focus on rhythm, word choice, and emotional expression, which can inspire creativity and the ability to evoke emotions in writing.

1. Understanding context and style

While mediums like movies and television shows often use informal language, they are equally valuable in improving one’s writing skills because they present colloquial phrases, slang, and everyday language use, which are essential for developing a well-rounded writing style.

A study by Kuppens (2010) suggests that vocabulary and phrase use obtained from informal media exposure can later be transferred to writing.

2. Comprehension through recognition

Watching movies and TV shows with subtitles can also reinforce language comprehension and improve writing by helping learners see how spoken language is translated into written form.

3. Cultural Nuances and Idiomatic Expressions

Understanding idiomatic expressions, cultural references, and context-specific language is key to advanced writing. Songs, movies, and TV shows often contain culturally relevant expressions that newspapers might not include. For instance, learners exposed to American sitcoms may develop a better understanding of idioms and everyday expressions, which are difficult to learn from textbooks alone. This can enrich their writing, making it more fluent and natural.

An effective communicator

Whether through reading great writing to learn structure and clarity or using informal language to build relatability, the key is to immerse oneself in diverse linguistic environments. By embracing both formal and informal modes of communication, aspiring writers can develop a well-rounded, adaptable style that resonates with any audience.

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