Has being popular on Quora changed the type and style of answers you write?

admin 24 0

Thanks to Nagarajan Srinivas for this question.

You tell me!

You too are a popular Quoran and I will value your opinion.

I have indeed changed

But rather than “style” I have changed the subjects on which I write more often.

In the early years I signed up for Quora as a structural engineer, hoping to share my knowledge of the subject.

The subject had no takers. My answers fell by the wayside. Hardly anyone noticed me.

I switched to writing about Bangalore and life in this city.

That got some traction. I picked up followers.

I then started writing about my life experiences and included old Black and White pictures of me and my family.

These answers were instant hits and many of them went viral.

I basked in glory while my follower count shot up to dizzying heights.

Then came QPP!

I changed tack. Why slog on writing answers which yielded only upvotes and followers?

Why not switch to asking questions. They were minting money those days!

I made about $5800 by asking questions. Each question took only a minute. The effort was negligible compared to the effort involved in wring an answer.

I wrote many answers on the subject of earning money on Quora. Those answers too were popular.

One day someone wrote a critical comment and posted it publicly and not as a private message.

I was charged with being a crowd pleaser, who never took a firm stand on any issue and tried to keep all readers happy. No one knew what I believed in, on serious social and political issues.

That made me want to prove them wrong.

I came out publicly as a Modi admirer and a BJP supporter.

That brought me both bouquets and brickbats.

I don’t know what my next switch will be!

Thanks for the question.

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