Would mentioning that I have a contact in Scholastic to help move things along (which I do have) be worth mentioning to a queried literary agent in order to increase my chances of getting one to take me on?

admin 24 0

Absolutely, mentioning that you have a contact at Scholastic can be a valuable piece of information to include when querying a literary agent…why:

Shows You Have Connections: Agents are always on the lookout for authors who have a foot in the door. If you already have a contact at a major publishing house like Scholastic, it signals to the agent that you’re serious, connected, and that there could be a direct path to publication.

Demonstrates Marketability: Having a contact at Scholastic suggests that your work might align with what mainstream publishers are looking for. It indicates that your writing has potential and commercial appeal, which is attractive to agents.

Adds Credibility: In a world where agents receive countless queries, having a legitimate industry connection can help your query stand out. It shows that you have some industry credibility, which could give the agent more confidence in your potential.

When you mention this, keep it brief and professional. You could include a line in your query like:

“I have a contact at Scholastic who has shown interest in my work and would be willing to facilitate an introduction.”

This lets the agent know that there’s already some interest brewing, which could make them more likely to want to work with you. Just be sure that your contact is on board and that you’re not over-promising or implying that a deal is already on the table. Overall, strategically mentioning this contact could definitely increase your chances of catching a literary agent’s attention. Good luck with your queries!……

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