I have just completed a content writing course from Henry Harvin. They had promised to provide freelance opportunities, but no one is responding to calls. Can anyone help?

admin 17 0

I recently enrolled in the “Wallet is Locked” content writing course, and I must say, I am thoroughly disappointed with my experience. While the course promised to offer comprehensive insights and skills to enhance one’s content writing, it fell significantly short of expectations.

Firstly, the course content was alarmingly outdated. Much of the material seemed to be recycled from resources that were relevant a decade ago. In an industry as fast-evolving as content writing, staying current is crucial, and this course failed to address contemporary trends, tools, and strategies.

Secondly, the structure of the course left much to be desired. The modules were poorly organized, with a lack of clear progression from basic to advanced topics. This made it difficult to build on what was learned, resulting in a disjointed and frustrating learning experience. The assignments were either too simplistic or did not align with the lessons, making it challenging to apply the concepts effectively.

Moreover, the course’s interactive elements were a letdown. There was minimal feedback on assignments, and the instructor’s responses to questions were infrequent and unhelpful. The lack of engagement made it hard to gauge my progress or receive meaningful guidance.

Additionally, the course materials were riddled with typos and grammatical errors, which is ironic for a content writing course. This not only undermined the professionalism of the course but also detracted from the learning experience.

In summary, the “Wallet is Locked” content writing course did not meet the standards I expected. With outdated content, poor organization, minimal interaction, and a lack of attention to detail, I would not recommend this course to anyone serious about advancing their content writing skills. It feels like a missed opportunity and a waste of both time and money.

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