Is it worth it to get certified as a professional writer through the Henry Harvin Institute?

admin 23 0

I enrolled in the content writing course with high hopes and expectations, only to be thoroughly disappointed. The course materials were outdated and lacked relevance to current industry standards. The instructor seemed disinterested and provided vague feedback on assignments, leaving me feeling confused rather than enlightened.

Moreover, the course structure was chaotic, with modules that seemed randomly pieced together. The promised resources were either inaccessible or irrelevant to the topics covered. It felt like a waste of time and money as I struggled to extract any practical knowledge from the disorganized mess presented as a learning experience.

Additionally, the platform itself was buggy and unintuitive, making navigation and submission of assignments a frustrating ordeal. The lack of technical support exacerbated my frustrations, leaving me feeling stranded with no recourse for resolving the issues I encountered.

In conclusion, this content writing course was a complete letdown. It failed to deliver on its promises of quality instruction and practical skills development. I would strongly advise anyone considering this course to look elsewhere for a more professional and structured learning experience.

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