I want to write a novel and can't find a place to discuss it. What do you guys recommend?

admin 20 0

Find a writers' group, either one locally (Google search or asking one of your local libraries would be a good start), or online (websites, Facebook, and/or Discord, to name a few).

However, not finding a place to discuss it shouldn’t keep you from writing your novel. You can discuss it all you want, but you have to have written something to discuss.

Simply discussing ideas isn’t worth anyone’s time. Ideas are a dime a dozen, and everyone has plenty. Get it down on paper (or hard drive) and then you have something worth critiquing. Understand that if you haven’t been writing, what you do write will probably be awful, but that’s okay. We all started there. There’s both an art and a craft to writing. The better your writing ability becomes, the more the artistic side can shine.

It’s no different than learning how to play a musical instrument. As a beginner, you’re working on the basic sound and notes of your instrument. As you get better, you can start to figure out how to style your music to different genres (jazz, classical, pop, R&B, etc), and more things you can do with what you play. For a different analogy, more tools in your toolchest.

Best of luck!

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