I write both fiction and nonfiction.
If you’re talking about professionally published books, I write or have written:
Relationship nonfiction
Alternate-history satire (think Terry Pratchett in Victorian London)
Far-future post-scarcity science fiction theocratic erotica
Near-future post-cyberpunk dystopia
Modern-day urban fantasy
Modern-day lesbian noir mystery
Far-future post-Collapse magical realism literary fiction
If you’re talking about hobbyist writing online:
Infosec and computer security
Contemporary politics and sociology
Sex and relationships
Biochemistry and organic chemistry
Industrial design
Sex toy design
Computers and technology
Video games
Book projects I plan to work on in the future include:
A literary novel set in a fictionalized version of the Nebraska town I grew up in
A nonfiction book on cognitive errors and logical fallacies
A nonfiction book on bad design and lazy craftsmanship
A novel about the last mortal person on earth after the development of anti-aging and biological immortality
An alternate-earth fantasy
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