What can people start doing now that will help them a lot in about five years?

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Reading: Reading quality content and good books can change your life positively in about five years, you can even see the difference in your personality and thinking in just a year. Reading books can transform your life.

Healthy diet: “ Health is wealth” we need to take this quote very seriously now-a-days. Eat healthy food and avoid junk as much as you possibly can. This can make you live longer and healthy.

Writing: Journaling or even just writing down your thoughts on a daily basis can help you to think clearly. It will calm your thoughts down and can tackle overthinking issue. You can start with writing once a week.

Family time: Always have some time fixed in your schedule to spend with family and your loved ones. Never take them for granted. You never know when you will lose someone and then regret to not have spending enough time with that person.

Stop judging: If you judge people it doesn't affect anyone but it does affect you badly. We don't seem to notice it but with time when it becomes our habit and it's really takes away our peace.

Meditation: It is magical. It can do wonders in 5 years, even in a year. You just have to be consistent even if it's hard to meditate just start with 5 minutes per day. Sit down with your thoughts and let them come and go. You will be peaceful.

Stop scrolling unnecessarily: Don’t waste your time scrolling the social media if you do, have a purpose. That you are spending some time with quality content and you are learning something.

Never stop learning: Study whenever you can, you can never know everything. Let yourself grow and learn as much as possible. Explore and learn new things that can be effective in your life.

List is never ending, I just tried to write some points that I believe to be important. You can filter as per your requirements.

You can change your life in 5 years, you can have everything that you want to achieve with discipline, consistently and hard work.

What can people start doing now that will help them a lot in about five years?-第1张图片

Love yourself ♥️

Anshika Bhatnagar

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