What are skills that make you exceptional? I mean skills like chess, painting, etc.

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I spent 68 years acquiring a wide and varied skillset.

Chess player: I've been playing the game since I was 10, so that's 58 years. In that time I've competed I became a USCF rated Expert. Today, I still am a player at clubs, coach and teach. I still compete, and am a sort of Ace in the hole who opponents will underestimate because of their appearance.

Sound recordist/engineer: I have perfect pitch and can sight read music. I've made hundreds of multi-track recordings of orchestras, large choirs, and small bands for albums and promotional use. Several I have produced myself, for grins, giggles and money. Some of my clients have been up and coming wannabees to professional studio musicians to established headliners/performers. I still get dozens of (usually badly made) demos from garage bands every month hoping I'll pass it to an agent with a recommendation.

Military: I spent twenty years in the U.S. Army as an administrative management NCO. Most of that time was spent working for senior officers, some at the highest levels of the government such as the Office of the Secretary of Defense. I lived in a dozen places both here and abroad and played an active role in Operations Desert Shield, Desert Thunder and Desert Storm. I never got any medals for Valor, but I sure got the crap scared out of me a time or two.

Author: I developed my writing skills early on and enjoy writing across a broad range of subjects in both fiction and non-fiction categories. I've been published many times.

Historian: My areas of expertise include Military Operations past and present, the Motion Picture Industry from the silent films to the present, and one key historical event, the Kennedy Assassination (always remember… The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everbody believes it.).

Artist: Concept, layout, typesetting and product. Even if its just a form.

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