Is it possible for someone to use telepathy or telekinesis? How would they go about doing this? Is it a skill that can be learned or is it something that a person is born with?

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Absence of proof is not proof of absence, and the skeptics here don’t actually know every last law of the Universe. They believe that the mind is just a product of matter and doesn’t have any fundamental power in the Universe — they can have their faith, but a lot of us are actually *doing things* that depend upon the Universe working in a different way.

If you want to learn TK, I recommend “Guide of Limitless Truth” on Youtube. She gives a lot of good advice for learning TK. Most people start with light or easily peturbed objects such as the pinwheel. I’m a beginner but have gotten results I was satisfied with.

As for telepathy, I know it’s possible because I’ve experienced many moments of my connection with friends transcending words or distance. I haven’t tried to have, like, a whole conversation with it though xD I guess I’d be happy if I could send one message to a friend at a given time. I tend to work on my psychic abilities more generally, and notice the connections with friends happen kind of “by accident”. It’s more interesting to communicate with spirit guides, anyway — they CAN’T use words and have some important things to say!

Both TK and psychic abilities are improved by a general improvement in your spiritual development. Sometimes it may be worth focusing on them specifically, but other times you’ll probably get best results focusing on your spiritual dev in general. (The Power of Now, for example, or my personal fave, On Becoming An Alchemist by Catherine Maccoun).

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