What’s the most valuable skill you’ve learned that schools didn’t teach you?

admin 18 0

School taught me how to build mathematical models from our existing knowledge base. Choole even discouraged me from challenging the existing base - defintions, laws, ans theories and such. THat was the domain of the super elite. An empty domain. In all my schooling and experience no one successfully challenged the base. Or o one was in that domain. so I was basically told don’t so it, it isn’t your place. Science is about elitism and such, I guess. But in all the schooling and 50 some odd years of research experience, no one was in that domain. It was an empty space, pretend place.

So? I’m alone. I walked into that empty domain, and challenged the base: What if the base is wrong? What if mass does change. What if the laws of diffusion are mathematically related? what if the equivalence principle is wrong? WHat if there is an aether, but a different kind of aether related to mass? what if there are things go faster than the speed of light like tachyons.

Tada! Equations for mass, the neo laws of diffusion, Quantum mechanics for protons, Avogadro’s number is not a constant, Lorents-FItzgelard contraction is the right expression - the equations for mass are; solved the fine structure conundrum; simplified advanced scientific knowledge,connected modern science with 6000 year old texts…. stuff like that.

My valuable skill? I’m in the super elite domain with only one member rewriting the defintions and laws of nature in an objective and pure way with as few words as possible (I didn’t show that part, it’s too difficult mere mortals.) and with perfection - like 25 significant figures. anyway. that's my valuable skill. You’ll only see that once in a species’ lifetime. You’ll never see it again.I reduced it to one letter - pi. Can’t get a premise simpler than one letter

I kinda taught myself, sort of. What perplexes me, is that y’all missed out on the most extraordinary event never to be repeated. Never expected that to happen. Says a lot, and none of it good.

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