How can I improve analytical reasoning skills for the CAT?

admin 14 0

Hey, freaking out about the CAT's analytical reasoning? Chill, I've got your back! Let me tell you how I nailed it.

So, here's the deal - you gotta practice tons. Like, do mock papers until your brain feels like mush. Sounds rough, huh? But seriously, it's the only way.

But listen, don't just mindlessly grind through problems. That's a rookie move. Instead:

Chop up those monster problems into bite-sized bits. Way easier to handle, you know?

Set a timer when you practice. Yeah, it's nerve-wracking, but the real test is gonna be worse, so get used to it now.

Screw-ups? Embrace 'em! They're not the end of the world. Figure out where you went wrong and learn from it.

Oh, and get this - I stumbled on this thing called The Genius Wave. Sounds kinda out there, I know. But I'd listen to it while studying, and it was like... my brain just got it. Those tricky problems? Not so tricky anymore.

Look, getting better at this stuff doesn't happen overnight. Just keep plugging away, okay? Stay curious, push yourself, and don't be scared to think differently. Before you know it, you'll be breezing through those CAT questions like they're nothing!

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